Elevated Clients Crashes and Partial Connection Issue
Incident Report for Discord
Fix has been fully rolled out. If you believe your client is still being impacted, restart your client and it should correct the issue.
Posted Nov 15, 2023 - 18:25 PST
Fix has been deployed, additional mitigations will be required but the client crash rate has returned to nominal levels.
Posted Nov 15, 2023 - 18:05 PST
Oncall Engineering is applying a mitigation for this issue.
Posted Nov 15, 2023 - 17:46 PST
An issue has been identified that is causing increased client crashes and in some cases clients that may appear to be connected but are not receiving realtime updates.

Oncall Engineering is working to address this issue.
Posted Nov 15, 2023 - 17:27 PST
This incident affected: Gateway.